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CREOATE Seller Guides

Introducing Trade Direct: Helping Wholesalers Win 85% More B2B Orders

trade-directOver 90% of B2B trade is carried out on credit and speaking with our seller community, we know cash flow can present a real challenge in giving trade credit. 

If you’ve found yourself in this situation, you’re not alone; it’s a struggle that every retail and product business comes up against. 

We’ve developed Trade Direct to help, and to support our seller community in winning more orders even without using the CREOATE website. Here’s what it’s all about, and why it works. 


Why we created Trade Direct 

When our seller community wins more orders, we succeed; it’s that simple, and it always has been. 

We know B2B buyers prefer longer payment terms to support them in selling your products, and our data shows they are prepared to order 85% more when extended terms are available (typically 60 or 90 days). 

Research from McKinsey shows that 67% of B2B buyers prefer to trade without joining marketplaces or creating website accounts. Purchase order by email and trading through their own portal is the norm. 

We want our sellers to be able to capitalise on these great opportunities for growth, without worrying about running out of cash or losing sales by asking every buyer to join a marketplace to buy. And we know how important it is for you to be the one to nurture that relationship end-to-end and from the very beginning, without a bank or anyone else getting involved.

So we developed Trade Direct to offer a fast and flexible way to plug the gap. 

💡 Wondering how Trade Direct is helping our sellers grow B2B orders by 85% ? Fill in this short form to learn more.   


How it works 

Trade Direct allows you, the seller, to offer your buyers extended payment terms, without taking on the risk of doing so. With Trade Direct, you simply invoice the buyer just like you do today, and we simply do the waiting. 

If you’ve heard of ‘invoice factoring’, Trade Direct unlocks more cash for you earlier and is cheaper:

  • We pay you 100% on the purchase order date (not wait until Shipping date) so you can use the cash to manufacture goods 
  • We don't make you sign any long term contracts 
  • We are often 30-50% cheaper! 
  • We even support portals (including Amazon, TikTok and Macy's)

Here’s how it works in practice:

Step 1: 

You share the purchase order you want to fund with CREOATE and we instantly confirm if the buyer is accepted with no invasive checks and we pay out the full value to you in 3-5 days, minus a fee starting from 1.5% for our service. 

Step 2: 

You generate your own invoice, and make it payable to CREOATE, and we pay 3-5 days later

Step 3: 

Your buyer pays us directly or you can opt to collect cash yourself, paying us later. You’re in complete control of your relationship with your buyer. 

💡 Keen to get started, or learn more? Let us know a bit more about you by filling this short form


How it benefits you and your buyers

Benefits for you  Benefits for your buyer
Better cash flow. Getting paid faster increases growth, and keeps everything running stress-free. Better cash flow. Giving your buyer more time to sell your products before needing to pay for them.
Build lasting buyer relationships. You’re making your buyer’s life easier, which is a great way to nurture a long-lasting relationship.  More options for growth. Better cash flow opens your buyer up to more growth avenues because it frees up money to spend on marketing.
Sell 85% more. You can use extended payment terms to incentivise larger orders.  Option to use bulk discounts. With better payment terms, your buyer have more flexibility to sell. 
No change to how you invoice. we can work around your process, whether you use Purchase Orders or a portal. A seamless payment process. Besides having better terms, the process for your buyer is unchanged. 


Who is eligible?

If any of the following apply to your brand, Trade Direct could be a good fit for you: 

  • You’ve already made some B2B sales, either directly or through CREOATE
  • You are a registered company in the UK or USA
  • You are ambitiously looking to grow your B2B sales 

💡 Ready to explore your Trade Direct options? The first step is to fill in this short form.

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