5 Tips on How to Refresh Stock and Grow Sales | CREOATE Blog

Written by Creoate | Jun 9, 2021 5:05:44 PM

The magic of discovering a shop is unique—whether it be online or a physical location. And nothing beats the discovery when the shop feels tailor-made for you.

Personalised, hand-picked products are the best way to build that lasting connection with your customers. By carefully selecting products you know they will love, you are connecting with your customers with a simple yet powerful message, “This is for you”. This positions you as a go-to store for both the familiar and the fresh.

We have put together our top five tips to help you go that extra step for your customers and make them come back for more.

On this page

1. Stock up on essentials for your customers

Shop owners are meeting their customer demands by sourcing and selling essentials to better serve their communities. Your customers’ shopping patterns are all you need to know their tastes, interests and price points. Pay attention to everything that sold like hot cakes, but also to what stayed on your shelves for what felt like eternity! In a fast moving industry, this will give you the constant you need to pick what customers will cherish.

As well as what’s is happening in your store and on your website, research what’s trending in your niche, what competitors are doing, and where else customers are shopping today. Staying on top of industry as a whole will be the magic ingredient that pulls it all together.

Once you have a narrow list, engage your customers through surveys and social media posts to get feedback. This is a great way to reinforce a strong sense of connection with your customers. Your customers now more than ever will want to feel like their opinions are being heard. Giving them a platform to share those opinions goes a long way in the retail industry.

2. Deliver products directly to your customers

There’s no question: personal touch is what separates independent retailers and smaller brands from big-box shops. And independent retailers are now delivering stock safely to nearby communities. 

By merchandising your store with products your customers will love and connecting with them through serving their needs in these times, you foster a type of customer loyalty that is truly unique in the retail space. 

3. Promote your store’s website and online presence

Trending search words and sales suggest customers today are looking for things to do at home. Everything from products for both kids (e.g. puzzles, jigsaws, toys, books) and adults (yoga, desks, lamps, notebooks, books and home clothing, such as slippers), to outdoor personal activities such as gardening and home decoration projects.

Make sure you also stay on top of Facebook’s grants programme due to be announced soon. This will allow eligible businesses to access free ad spend to grow online sales.

4. Pre-sell gift cards to existing customers 

Innovation is best in times of change. Now more than ever, consumers crave a human connection to products and creations they choose to spend money on and the shops from which they buy. This heightened experience is amazing if maintained all year long.

Using pre-sell gift cards is a great way to continue to maintain that relationship with your customer. And it goes beyond moments that look great on Instagram—this is about ongoing, authentic engagement with your community.

5. Generate cash by improving how you buy stock

At Creoate, we want stock purchase to be simple and sustainable. You can source direct from an approved supplier and only pay after 2 months for what you want to keep, helping you grow sales in these uncertain times without the risk on unsold stock or upfront cash payments.

We know picking stock can be challenging online so we have created filters and curated edits across eco-friendly, handmade, women-owned and more. We hope generous terms and online convenience will help us all regenerate retail and our high streets.

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